The Numismatic Association of Victoria Inc. was founded in 1946 and its aims and activities have largely remained unchanged over the years. Members are invited to attend our monthly meetings and receive our journal.
Our Purposes
- To encourage the study of Numismatics in all its branches
- To represent generally the views and interests of Numismatists
- To provide education in the field of Numismatics
- To encourage sound and methodical collecting practices
A Timeline of the NAV
The Numismatic Society of Victoria is Founded
February 16, 1914
In 1914 a small group of interested numismatists met to form the Numismatic Society of Victoria, the very first organised numismatic group in Victoria.
The First Meeting
February 24, 1914

The Numismatic Society of Victoria holds it’s first meeting.
The last meeting of the Numismatic Society of Victoria
February 4, 1929
The N.S.V holds it’s last monthly meeting.
Affiliation with Historical Society of Victoria
July 1, 1931
After declining membership (since 1928) it was decided to affiliate with the Historical Society of Victoria
Disaffiliation from Historial Society
March 24, 1944
The Numismatic Society of Victoria disaffiliates from the Historical Society of Victoria
The NAV is Founded
May 17, 1946
Numismatic Association of Victoria Inc. (NAV) was founded in 1946. The NAV held it’s first meeting in May and by the end of first year membership stood at 90. Meetings were held at the Victorian Railways institute followed by Kurrajong House on Collins Street.
First Medallion Struck
January 1, 1949

In 1949 the NAV struck it’s first commemorative medallion for the 100th anniversary of the first Australian copper token.
Meeting Place Moved
July 1, 1950
Meetings moved to the National Gallery on Latrobe street.
Membership Declines
January 1, 1955

Mid 1950’s saw membership decline and then pickup in the 60’s as Australia moved towards a big change in numismatics.
Decimal Changeover
February 14, 1966
1966 saw Australia change to decimal currency and numismatic interest peaked with society membership rising steadily. Towards the changeover meetings were held twice a month.
Membership Peaks
December 31, 1967

By 1967 membership peaked at 302 due to the decimal changeover and interest in the new currency.
25th Anniversary
May 1, 1971

May 1971 celebrated the 25th anniversary of the NAV with a BBQ and dinner at the house of Mr Frank Heard, the president at the time.
500th Meeting
April 5, 1977

The 500th meeting was attended by approximately 150 members and visitors –a record for the association. It was even covered in the May issue of the Australian Coin Review magazine.
Meetings Moved
January 1, 1990

In 1990 meetings moved to the State Government Building, Treasury Place.
January 1, 1994
Meetings were held in the Australian Postal Institute building on Lonsdale street.
50 Years!
May 17, 1996

On the 50th anniversary of the NAV in 1996 two members received awards for 50 years continuous membership -Ian Young and Don Wicks.
Meetings Moved to The Celtic Club
May 1, 1997

The May 1997 meeting of the NAV was moved to the Celtic Club.
60th Anniversary
May 17, 2006

1000th Meeting
April 19, 2013

The NAV held it’s 1,000th meeting!
NAV Incorporates
August 31, 2018
First Virtual Meeting
April 18, 2020

NAV holds its first fully on-line meeting during COVID-19 Pandemic
75th Anniversary
May 17, 2021