Numismatic Association of Australia Councillor Nominations
British American numismatist Sim Comfort has produced a new book that looks at the Navel Medals produced by British industrialist Matthew Boulton. In addition to a number of medals commemorating Nelson it also includes a detailed examination of the Otaheite (Resolution and Adventure) … Continued
On Sunday 8th April members of the Morwell Numismatic Society had a day out to the historic Gippsland mining town of Walhalla. The tour included the old Post Office as well as a tour of the Long Tunnel Extended Gold … Continued
Abacus Auctions has recently acquired the assets of the Stamp & Coin Department of the failed Mossgreen Auctions (see story here). Abacus will be conducting public auctions of Stamps & Postal History, Coins & Banknotes, Picture Postcards & Collectables. Along … Continued
A number of Melbourne based numismatic entities have joined forces under the Melbourne Mint Coins banner. The Universal Coin Company, their online auctions (UCC Auctions) and the Queensland based Cotton & Co. have all come under Melbourne Mint Coins. Details … Continued
The Australian Numismatist Archives, which are only currently only accessible to members of Victorian numismatic societies from the Member Page, have been updated with new content. This includes some Journals from the early 1980s, including the Special Issue from 1984 … Continued