Medallion No. 10
Event Commemorated
This medalet was issued to commemorate the numismatic exhibition held in the Lower Melbourne Town Hall; this was at least the seventh public exhibition held by the NAV. This medallion was on sale at this exhibition.
The exhibition was opened by the then Federal Treasurer, Mr Harold Holt, on 26 October. The exhibition ran for three days from Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 October 1964. During the three days, 3200 people visited the exhibition.
The exhibition featured displays of:
¨ Australasian tokens;
¨ Early Australian coins;
¨ Ancient Greek and Roman coins;
¨ Australian Commonwealth coins;
¨ Australian gold coins;
¨ Varieties of Australian Commonwealth coins;
¨ British war medals; and
¨ Australian paper money.
This 28 mm diameter medalet was designed by Ray Jewell and struck by K G Luke, Melbourne in one metal:
¨ Brass (2037 pieces)
These medalets were issued unnumbered.
The obverse design features the obverse of both a holey dollar and a dump and the legend “NUMISMATIC ASSOCN OF VICTORIA” curved below, and “SESQUI CENTENARY OF THE ISSUE OF” “THE HOLEY DOLLAR AND DUMP OF NEW SOUTH WALES” in two curved lines below.
The reverse has the legend “NUMISMATIC EXHIBITION” curved above, “MELBOURNE TOWN HALL OCTOBER 26•27•28” across the centre, and the year “1964” between sprays of leaves at bottom centre. “K.G.L.” and “MELB.” are below the left and right sprays respectively.